
PHP program to convert string to lowercase without using the library function

belongs to collection: PHP String Programs


Given a string and we have to convert it into lowercase string without using any library function.

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PHP code:

//function definition
//this function accepts a string/text, converts
//text to lowercase and return the lowercase converted string
function lowercase($str)
	$chars  = str_split($str);
	$result = '';

	//loop from 0th character to the last character
	for ($i = 0; $i < count($chars); $i++) {
		//extracting the character and getting its ASCII value
		$ch = ord($chars[$i]);

		//if character is a lowercase alphabet then converting 
		//it into an lowercase alphabet
		if ($chars[$i] >= 'A' && $chars[$i] <= 'Z')
			$result .= chr($ch + 32);
		$result .= $chars[$i];
	//finally, returning the string
	return $result;

//function calling
$text = "HELLO WORLD";
echo lowercase($text);
echo "<br>";

$text = "Hello world!";
echo lowercase($text);
echo "<br>";

$text = "Hello@123.com";
echo lowercase($text);
echo "<br>";



hello world
hello world!

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