
PHP | Delete all occurrences of an element from an array

belongs to collection: PHP Array Programs


Given an array and we have to remove all occurrences of an element from it.

array_diff() function

To remove all occurrences of an element or multiple elements from an array – we can use array_diff() function, we can simply create an array with one or more elements to be deleted from the array and pass the array with deleted element(s) to the array_diff() as a second parameter, first parameter will be the source array, array_diff() function returns the elements of source array which do not exist in the second array (array with the elements to be deleted).

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PHP code to remove all occurrences of an element from an array

//array with the string elements
$array = array('the','quick','brown','fox','quick','lazy','dog');

//array with the elements to be delete 
$array_del = array('quick');

//creating a new array without 'quick' element
$array1 = array_values(array_diff($array,$array_del));
//printing the $array1 variable

//now we are removing 'the' and 'dog'
//array with the elements to be delete 
$array_del = array('the', 'dog');

//creating a new array without 'the' and 'dog' elements
$array2 = array_values(array_diff($array,$array_del));
//printing the $array2 variable


array(5) {
  string(3) "the"
  string(5) "brown"
  string(3) "fox"
  string(4) "lazy" 
  string(3) "dog"
array(5) {
  string(5) "quick"
  string(5) "brown"
  string(3) "fox"
  string(5) "quick"
  string(4) "lazy" 


We use the array_diff() method to calculate the difference between two arrays which essentially eliminates all the occurrences of an element from $array, if they appear in $array_del. In the given example, we delete all the occurrences of the words quick and brown from $array using this method.

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