
Print max from axis 0 and min from axis 1 from the following 2-D array using python programming

belongs to collection: Python NumPy Exercises


Print max from axis 0 and min from axis 1 from the following 2-D array.

sampleArray = numpy.array([[34,43,73],[82,22,12],[53,94,66]])

Expected Output:

Printing Original array
[[34 43 73]
 [82 22 12]
 [53 94 66]]

Printing amin Of Axis 1
[34 12 53]

Printing amax Of Axis 0
[82 94 73]

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import numpy

print("Printing Original array")
sampleArray = numpy.array([[34,43,73],[82,22,12],[53,94,66]]) 
print (sampleArray)

minOfAxisOne = numpy.amin(sampleArray, 1) 
print("Printing amin Of Axis 1")

maxOfAxisOne = numpy.amax(sampleArray, 0) 
print("Printing amax Of Axis 0")

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