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Chapter: 7 / Q: 33.7
Write a script that will first initialize a string variable that will store x and y coordinates of a point in the form ‘x 3.1 y 6.4’. Then, use string manipulating functions to extract the coordinates and plot them
Chapter: 7 / Q: 34.7
Write a function wordscramble that will receive a word in a string as an input argument. It will then randomly scramble the letters and return the result. Here is an example of calling the function:
Chapter: 7 / Q: 35.7
A file called avehighs.dat stores for three locations the average high temperatures for each month for a year (rounded to integers). There are three lines in the file;
Chapter: 8 / Q: 1.8
Create the following cell array:
Chapter: 8 / Q: 2.8
Create a 2 x 2 cell array using the cell function and then put values in the individual elements. Then, insert a row in the middle so that the cell array is now 3 x 2
Chapter: 8 / Q: 3.8
Create a row vector cell array to store the string ‘xyz’, the number 33.3, the vector 2:6, and the logical expression ‘a’ < ‘c’. Use the transpose operator to make this a column vector, and use reshape to make it a 2 x 2 matrix. Use celldisp to display all elements
Chapter: 8 / Q: 4.8
Create a cell array that stores phrases, such as: exclaimcell = {'Bravo', 'Fantastic job'}; Pick a random phrase to print
Chapter: 8 / Q: 5.8
Create three cell array variables that store people’s names, verbs, and nouns. For example
Chapter: 8 / Q: 6.8
Write a script that will prompt the user for strings and read them in, store them in a cell array (in a loop), and then print them out
Chapter: 8 / Q: 7.8
When would you loop through the elements of a cell array?
total questions: 459




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