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Chapter: 2 / Q: 23
A 56 year old man complains of increased volume of sputum with specks of blood and chest pain. He has a history of DVT. Examination: clubbing. What is the cause of blood in his sputum?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 24
A 32 year old female has a history of SOB (shortness of breath) and fever. Pre-broncho- dilation test was done and it was 2/3.5 and post-bronchodilator was 3/3.7. The patient has history of eczema and past TB. What is the possible diagnosis?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 25
A 53 year old man with previous history of COPD presents with breathlessness and purulent sputum. O2 stat 85% on air. ABG: PaO2-7.6, PaCO2-7. What is the appropriate management for his condition?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 26
A 60 year old is on treatment for IHD (ischemic heart disease), HTN (hypertension) and hyperlipidemia. During the night he complains of wheeze and SOB (shortness of breath). Which of the following medicine is responsible for that?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 27
A patient presents with progressive dyspnea. He complains of cough, wheeze and a table spoonful of mucopurulent sputum for the last 18m. Spirometry has been done. FEV1/FVC 2.3/3.6. After taking salbutamol, the ratio is 2.4/3.7. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 28
A 62 year old man presents with cough, breathlessness and wheeze. 24% O2, salbutamol and hydrocortisone were given. The symptoms haven’t improved and so nebulized bronchodilator was repeated and IV aminophylline was given. ABG: pH 7.31, RR 32. What is the next appropriate management?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 29
A 19 year old man has exercised induced asthma and is using a salbutamol inhaler as required and beclamethasone 400ug BD. He complains that he has to wake up at night for his inhaler. What is the single most appropriate tretment?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 30
A 27 year old man presents with chest pain and respiratory distress. Examination: tachycardia, hypotension and neck vein distension. Trachea is deviated to the left side, breath sounds on right side are absent and diminished on left side. What is the next appropriate management?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 31
An 83 year old man with longstanding COPD has become progressively breathless over the last 2yrs. He is on salbutamol, ipratropium, salmetarol, beclomethasone and theophylline. His FEV1<30%. What is the next appropriate management?
Chapter: 2 / Q: 32
A 33 year old man has a temperature 38.5C, cough and chest pain on the right side on inspiration. He also has purulent sputum. What is the most likely organism to cause pneumonia in this patient?
total questions: 1721




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