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Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.4.2.2
Assuming it is an iterator into the same vector as mid, we can check whether it denotes an element before or after mid as follows
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.4.2.3
We can do a binary search using iterators as follows
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.1.1
The number of elements in an array is part of the array’s type. As a result, the dimension must be known at compile time, which means that the dimension must be a constant expression (§ 2.4.4, p. 65)
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.1.2
If the dimension is greater than the number of initializers, the initializers are used for the first elements and any remaining elements are value initialized (§ 3.3.1, p. 98)
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.1.3
When we use this form of initialization, it is important to remember that string literals end with a null character. That null character is copied into the array along with the characters in the literal
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.1.4
We cannot initialize an array as a copy of another array, nor is it legal to assign one array to another
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.1.5
Defining arrays that hold pointers is fairly straightforward, defining a pointer or reference to an array is a bit more complicated
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.2.1
With the exception that arrays are fixed size, we use arrays in ways that are similar to how we use vectors. For example, we can reimplement our grading program from § 3.3.3 (p. 104) to use an array to hold the cluster counters
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.2.2
As in the case of string or vector, it is best to use a range for when we want to traverse the entire array. For example, we can print the resulting scores as follows
Chapter: 3 / Q: e.g3.5.3.1
The elements in an array are objects. When we subscript an array, the result is the object at that location in the array. As with any other object, we can obtain a pointer to an array element by taking the address of that element
total questions: 591




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