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Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.2.3
Neither the value of the object addressed by pip nor the address stored in pip can be changed. On the other hand, curErr addresses a plain, nonconst int. We can use curErr to change the value of errNumb
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.3.1
Low-level const appears in the base type of compound types such as pointers or references. Note that pointer types, unlike most other types, can have both top-level and low-level const independently
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.3.2
The distinction between top-level and low-level matters when we copy an object. When we copy an object, top-level consts are ignored
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.3.3
We can convert a nonconst to const but not the other way round
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.4.1
Whether a given object (or expression) is a constant expression depends on the types and the initializers. For example
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.4.2
Under the new standard, we can ask the compiler to verify that a variable is a constant expression by declaring the variable in a constexpr declaration. Variables declared as constexpr are implicitly const and must be initialized by constant expressions
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.4.3
It is important to understand that when we define a pointer in a constexpr declaration, the constexpr specifier applies to the pointer, not the type to which the pointer points
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.4.4.4
Like any other constant pointer, a constexpr pointer may point to a const or a nonconst type
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.5.1.1
We can define a type alias in one of two ways. Traditionally, we use a typedef
Chapter: 2 / Q: e.g2.5.1.2
The new standard introduced a second way to define a type alias, via an alias declaration
total questions: 591




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