Similar Collections

In the Rust programming language, an iterator is used to iterate over a collection of values such as arrays, vectors, maps, etc. Iterators implement the Iterator trait that is defined in the Rust standard library. The iter() method returns an iterator object of the collection. And, Closures are functions that can capture the enclosing environment. For example, a closure that captures the x variable (|val| val + x).

Practice these Rust iterator and closure programs to learn the concept of iterator and closure in Rust language, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and a detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Rust iterator and closure programs.


Rust program to use an iterator to read values from an array
Rust program to use an iterator to traverse the vector elements
Rust program to use an iterator to traverse the mutable vector elements
Rust program to create a closure function with a parameter
Rust program to create a closure function to check given number is EVEN or ODD
Rust program to create a closure function to return the addition of given numbers
total questions: 6





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