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A string is a series of characters, such as \"Hello, world!\" or \"My name is Nidhi\". In Swift programming language, strings are represented by the type String. A string can be accessed in various ways, including as a collection of Character values.

This study list contains solved Swift string programs, practice these Swift string programs to learn the concept of string, string manipulation, etc., these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Swift string programs.


Swift program to read a string from the user
Swift program to convert an optional string into the normal string
Swift program to create a multi-line string literal
Swift program to check a string is empty or not
Swift program to concatenate two strings
Swift program to implement string interpolation
Swift program to get the length of a string
Swift program to compare two strings using equal to (==) operator
Swift program to iterate string character by character
Swift program to print the ASCII value of characters
Swift program to check a string contains a specified prefix
Swift program to check a string contains a specified suffix
Swift program to append a string using the addition assignment operator (+=)
Swift program to insert a character into a string
Swift program to remove a character from a string
Swift program to create a string with repeated values
Swift program to reverse a string
Swift program to join a string using the append() function
Swift program to convert the string into lowercase
Swift program to convert the string into uppercase
total questions: 20





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