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In varying length character string CHAR(n), the \'n\' represents
The concatenation operator in SQL which can concatenate two strings is denoted as
In the statement DECIMAL () to specify numeric data type, the number of decimal digits is called
Considering the change in schema statement in SQL, the command which is used to delete records of table and leave the definition of table for later use is classified as
In standard query language, the rows and columns are called respectively
If the length of bit string is multiple of 4 then it can be specified with the notation called
The referential triggered action clause in Standard Query Language is attached to constraint called
The types of bit-string data type are
If the concatenation operator is applied to two strings such as [ \'ABCD\' || \'wxyz\' ] then the resultant string will be
In SQL, the constraints, constructs, views, domains and tables are classified as its
The clause used in CREATE TABLE statement in SQL to specify secondary keys is called
The possible actions of altering the tables in Standard Query Language includes
The type of bit strings which is preceded by \'B\' and is placed between single quotes is classified as
In CREATE TABLE SQL command, each table must have atleast column/s
Which of the following information does an SQL DDL not specify?
Which of the following data types does the SQL standard not support?
Which command is used to create a new relation in SQL
If a1, a2, a3 are attributes in a relation and S is another relation, which of the following is an incorrect specification of an integrity constraint?
What is the syntax to load data into the database? (Consider D as the database and a, b, c as data)
Which of the following commands do we use to delete a relation (R) from a database?
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