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Long form of DBA is ______________
DBMS stands for __________
A database is a complex type of ______
In __________ data can be stored in structured manner
Duplication of data at several places is called as _______________
Suppose user have Saving Account and Checking Account in the Bank. Saving Account Stores following information -
If in redundant file common fields are not matching then it results in _____________
Data Isolation caused due to ________ in traditional file system
If person A want to transfer fund of Rs.500 to person B. If failure occurs after removing Rs.500 from Account A and before transferring to Account B then problem caused is __________
Identify the advantages of Database management system ?
If DBA modify the structure of the data record then this modification do not affect other application is called as _____________
Collection of information stored in database at particular instance of time is called as __________
Overall design of the database is called as _________
_________ is collection of operations that performs a single logical function in database application
Database Manager Performs following query related operation
Duty of Database manager is to enforce integrity and _________ checks
Granting and Authorization for data access is provided by ____________
Database Manager is also known as ________
Which of the user write program in host language and embed the DML statements into it ?
User which interact with the system using database query language is called as ___________
total questions: 372





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