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The information stored in the information repository can be accessed by
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In database management system, the module which is designed to be used on workstation and personal computer systems is classified as
The module of database management system which controls the access to database stored on the disk is considered as
The compiler which pull out the commands written in host programming language from application program is classified as
The DBMS in which the systems involved are coupled together while having local autonomy is classified as
The types of database system utilities are
In database management system, the CAD is an abbreviation of
The same class objects are arranged and organized in a way called
The user interface which uses both menus technique and forms is classified as
The feature of database management which makes it effortless to find any particular record from the collection is called
If there is separation between conceptual and internal levels then the language used by database designers is
The predefined procedures to specify operations for each class is called
The standard which allows the access to DBMS by the Java client programs is classified as
The type of data manipulation language which is embedded in programming and used to retrieve individual objects from database is classified as
In a particular time, the data available in the database at specific moment is called
The module of DBMS which focuses on eliminating redundancies, operations reordering and rearrangements is classified as
In database management system, the module which support handling of data search, data access and data storage is classified as
The popular technique in Web-based user interfaces are
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