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This Post lists the IoT (Internet of things) MCQ Quiz (Multiple Choice Questions And Answers) for your next IoT (Internet of things) certification practice or interview.

What is IoT (Internet of things)?

IoT makes once \"imbecilic\" gadgets \"more intelligent\" by enabling them to send information over the web, permitting the gadget to speak with individuals and other IoT-empowered things.  

The associated \"brilliant home\" is a genuine case of IoT in real life. Web empowered indoor regulators, doorbells, smoke alarms, and security cautions make an associated center where information is shared between actual gadgets, and clients can distantly control the \"things\" in that center (i.e., changing temperature settings, opening entryways, and so on) through a versatile application or site.  A long way from being limited to simply the home, the Internet of Things can be found in a variety of gadgets, ventures, and settings. From shrewd chalkboards in school study halls to clinical gadgets that can identify indications of Parkinson\'s infection, IoT is quickly making the world more astute by interfacing the physical and the advanced. 


Which of the following is the java extension file in IoT?
Which of the following class handles Publishing messages?
What is the full form of IaaS?
What is the minimum value which an application shall exceed to be offloaded?
Which of the following process has to support the definition of application topologies in various formats?
Software that address the data protection is divided into
types of voice communications are in IoT environment
IoT devices can easily lead to catastrophe without
Which of the following category is used for business to consumer process?
Which is the future application of IoT?
Which of the following option allows us to monitor the application?
Which of the following is not a data link layer technology?
Which of the following layer is called a port layer in OSI model?
Which of the following is not a networking device?
is the standard length of MAC address?
What is the full form of VNC?
Which of the following is not LPWAN technologies?
Which language is preferred for IoT analytics ?
What does CGI stands for?
Which of the following is Raspbian?
total questions: 20





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