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What is LibreOffice Calc?

LibreOffice Calc is the accounting page segment of the LibreOffice programming bundle. ... Calc is likewise equipped for saving accounting pages as PDF records. Similarly, as with the whole LibreOffice suite, Calc is accessible for an assortment of stages, including Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, and FreeBSD.  

Key points to know about LibreOffice Calc:

  • Developer: The Document Foundation
  • Operating system: Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, and FreeBSD
  • Stable release: Fresh: 7.0.4 (17 December 2020;); Still: 6.4.7 (22 October 2020; );
  • License: MPLv2.0 (secondary license GPL, LGPLv3+ or Apache License 2.0)
  • Programming languages: Python, Java, C++


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Which key is used to opens manage template in LibreOffice calc?
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How many spreadsheets on LibreOffice calc by default?
What will result from adding = A1+A2 to calc?
what is the maximum number of cell per spreadsheets in calc?
What is the maximum zoom percentage in LibreOffice Calc?
F7 key is used for spell check in the current sheet
Which shortcut key is used to insert comment in LibreOffice Calc?
The LibreOffice Calc is similar to Microsoft Excel, with almost the same abilities
Ctrl+Shift+J is used for full screen mode in LibreOffice Calc
Ctrl+F1 is used to display comments that is attached to the current cell
Page down key is used to moves the viewable rows down one screen
=A1+10 displays the contents of cell A1 plus 10
Which short cut key is used to insert function in LibreOffice Calc?
In LibreOffice package, spreadsheet is called
How many numbers of rows in the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet?
total questions: 28





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