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EmberJS is a well-known web development Framework and was developed by Yehuda Katz with its initial release in December 2011. In the past, it was also formerly known as the SproutCore MVC framework. Now, if you\'ll create a new application with EmberJs, you\'ll be able to use it\'s newly released version Ember 3.20 which was released in JUL 29, 2020. This release of Ember.js is an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate and comes with new features like {{in-element}} also some fixes for the last version 3.19. Check out \"\" for a comprehensive list of projects which is using Emberjs on for its frontend responsibilities. EmberJS comes with good documentation for the newcomers in EmberJs Community and here at Tutorials Link you\'ll get Ember Js MCQ Quiz (Multiple Choice Questions And Answers)


Ember.js is which type of framework?
Who designed Ember.js framework?
What is Git?
Which command is used to install the Ember CLI
What is the use of Router?
Tick the main component of Ember.js
Ember applications are sturctured
Name the file loaded the ember application
Which command is used to check the ember in our system
Which command is used to start and stop development server in Ember.js?
Basic model of ember.js is/are
What are the common functions of ember.js packages
Tick the recent version of ember.js
Is it possible to store the cache
Uses of Ember.js services is/are
Which language is used for static development
What is template?
The framework is for which language
Command to create a applications
Three parts built for an ember route are:
total questions: 20





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