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An IPv6 address consists of ________ bytes (octets)
A best-effort delivery service such as IPv4 includes _______
In IPv4 header, an HLEN value of decimal 10 means _______
In IPv4, what is the value of the total length field in bytes if the header is 28 bytes and the data field is 400 bytes?
In IPv4, what is the length of the data field given an HLEN value of 12 and total length value of 40,000?
An IPv4 datagram is fragmented into three smaller datagrams. Which of the following is true?
In IPv4, if the fragment offset has a value of 100, it means that _______
In IPv4, what is needed to determine the number of the last byte of a fragment?
The IPv4 header size _______
Which of the following is a necessary part of the IPv6 datagram?
In IPv6, the _______ field in the base header restricts the lifetime of a datagram
The ________ protocol is the transmission mechanism used by the TCP/IP suite
IP is _________ datagram protocol
The term ________ means that IP provides no error checking or tracking. IP assumes the unreliability of the underlying layers and does its best to get a transmission through to its destination, but with no guarantees
In IPv4, an HLEN value of decimal 10 means _______
In IPv4, which field or bit value unambiguously identifies the datagram as a fragment?
In IPv4, when a datagram is encapsulated in a frame, the total size of the datagram must be less than the _______
The IPv4 header field formerly known as the service type field is now called the _______ field
In IPv6, options are inserted between the _________ and the ___________ data
IPv6 allows _________ security provisions than IPv4
total questions: 331





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