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A transceiver cable is used in ......................... Ethernet
The protocol used in ETHERNET?
In Token Ring, Which of the following is not a transceiver function ?
The problem of a station not being able to detect a potential competitor for the medium because it thinks that there is activity between them is called
Protocols in which stations listen for a carrier and act accordingly are
LANs can be connected by a device called
In .................... all frames are given to the computer, not to those addressed
Algorithm is used in transparent bridges
FDDI is an acronym for
bridge operates in promiscuous mode
Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to another LAN via the device
Telecommunication networks frequently interconnect an organization with its customers and suppliers. Select the best fit for answer:
Your company has a LAN in its downtown office and has now set up a LAN in the manufacturing plant in the suburbs. To enable everyone to share data and resources between the two LANs, what type of device(s) are needed to connect them? Choose the most correct answer
How many hosts are attached to each of the local area networks at your site?
Select the correct statement about broadband and baseband
Intranets and extranets can use their network fire walls and other security features to establish secure Internet links within an enterprise or with its trading partners. Select the best fit for answer:
Devices interconnected by the LAN should include
A 8-Mbps token ring has a token holding timer value of 10 msec. What is the longest frame (assume header bits are negligible) that can be sent on this ring?
Data are sent over pin _____ of the EIA-232 interface
Internet-like networks between a company and its business partners. Select the best fit for answer:
total questions: 182





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