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In this study list, you will find basic to most puzzled interview queries questions with an example. This article is very useful for those who are preparing for an interview in IT company. Whether you are experienced or fresher, this study list will cover all Microsoft SQL server interview questions from basic to advanced level.
So, before starting let’s create and populate tblstudent and tblScholarship table using following script.

Create table tblStudent(    StudentId int,    FirstName varchar(50),    LastName varchar(50),    Admission_fee int,    Admission_date datetime,    Branch varchar(50),)
Create table tblScholarship(    Student_ref_id int,    Scholarship_Date date,    Scholarship_Amount int)


Select FirstName, Lastname, Scholarship amount from tblStudent and tblScholarship table for all students even if they didn’t get Scolarship.
Select FirstName, Lastname, Scholarship amount from tblStudent and tblScolarship table for those students who got Scolarship amount.
Select FirstName, Lastname, Scholarship amount from tblStudent and tblScholarship table for those students who got Scolarship amount greater than 1200.
Select FirstName, Lastname, Scholarship amount from tblStudent and tblScholarship table for those students who got Scolarship amount using right join.
Select FirstName, Lastname, Scholarship amount from tblStudent and tblScholarship table for all students even if they didn’t get Scolarship amount and set Scolarship amount as 0 for those students who didn’t get Scolarship amount.
Write a query to find out the studentname who has not received any scholarship amount, and display 0 in front of his name.
How to select random record form a tblstudent.
Write a query to create a clone of existing table without using Create Command.
Write a query to calculate number of T in string ‘TECHSTUDY’.
What will be the result of the query below?
What would be the output of the follwing query?
Write down the query to print first letter of a Name in Upper Case and all other letter in Lower Case.
Write down the query to display all student name in one cell seprated by ‘,’ example:-“Sara, David, Dora, Jack, Vikram, Ross”.
Write down the query to create tblstudent table with primary key (studentId)
How to set Primary key(PK) using Alter command
How to drop Primary key(PK) using Alter command
Write a query to add new column in tblstudent
Write a query to drop Address column in tblstudent
What would be the output of following query?
What would be the output of following query?
total questions: 92





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