
?What is the purpose of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in Software Engineering


What is the purpose of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in Software Engineering? Explain the phases of SDLC with the help of Diagram.

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A sample waterfall life cycle model comprises the fallowing phases :

*Requirement analysis and specification :

Requirement analysis is usually the first phase of large-scale software development project. It is undertaken after a feasibility study  has been performed to define the precise costs and benefits of software system.

*System design and specification :

Once the requirements for a system have been documented , software engineers design a software system to meet them .

This phase is sometime split into two subphases : architectural or high-level design and detailed design . Architectural design entails defining the overall organization of the system in the terns of high-level components and interactions among them.

 *Coding and module testing :

in this phase, the engineer produce the actual code that will be delivered to the customer as the running system.

*Integration and system testing :

All the modules that have been developed before and tested individually are put together –integrated- in this phase and are tested as a whole system.

*Delivery and maintenance :

once the system passes all the tests , it is delivered to the customer and enters the maintenance phase. Any modification made to the system after the initial delivery are usually attributed this phase.


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