
Write a PL/SQL block to find out the start date for current job of a specific employee


Write a PL/SQL block to find out the start date for current job of a specific employee.

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    emp_st_date DATE;
    wr_emp_id   employees.employee_id%TYPE := &enter_employee_id;
    SELECT Max(end_date) + 1
    INTO   emp_st_date
    FROM   job_history
    WHERE  employee_id = wr_emp_id;

    IF emp_st_date IS NULL THEN
      SELECT hire_date
      INTO   emp_st_date
      FROM   employees
      WHERE  employee_id = wr_emp_id;
    END IF;


dbms_output.Put_line('The starting date of current job for the employee  '
                     ||' is: '

Sample Output:

SQL> /
Enter value for enter_employee_id: 189
old   3:     wr_emp_id   employees.employee_id%TYPE := &enter_employee_id;
new   3:     wr_emp_id   employees.employee_id%TYPE := 189;
The starting date of current job for the employee  189 is: 13-AUG-05

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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