
Demonstrate how to handle click and double-click on a paragraph. Note: As the coordinates are window relative, so in this case relative to the demo iframe using jquery


Demonstrate how to handle click and double-click on a paragraph.  using jquery

Note: As the coordinates are window relative, so in this case relative to the demo iframe.

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HTML Code :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-git.js"></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>Demonstrate how to handle click and double-click on a paragraph.</title>
<p>Click or double click here.</p>
 <p id="result"></p>

JavaScript Code :

$("p").bind( "click", function( event ) {
  var str = "( " + event.pageX + ", " + event.pageY + " )";
  $( "#result" ).text( "Click happened! " + str );
$( "p" ).bind( "dblclick", function() {
  $( "#result" ).text( "Double-click happened");
$( "#result" ).bind( "mouseenter mouseleave", function( event ) {
  $( this ).toggleClass( "over" );

Used Methods :

  • .toggleClass() : Add or remove one or more classes from each element in the set of matched elements, depending on either the class’s presence or the value of the state argument.
  • .bind() : Attach a handler to an event for the elements.

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