
Exercise 5: The following code includes 10 compilation errors (an error per line). a) Find and correct them. b) Give the exact output after correcting the code


The following code includes 10 compilation errors (an error per line).

  1. Find and correct them.
  2. Give the exact output after correcting the code.
/ Try to find the errors
Public class Test1 {
 public static main(String[] a) {
 System.out.print("Nice ")

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line 1: missing back slash for the comment: //

line 2: Public should start with small letter: public

line 3:missing "void" after static

line 4: welcome should be between double quotations: "welcome"

line 5: printIn should be: println

line 6: "M105 should be: "M105""M105

line 7: missing ; in the end of line

line 8: Program should be between double quotations: "Program"

line 9: parenthes { should be reversed: }

line 10: ] should be : }

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