
A 68-year-old man who was admitted with troponin negative chest pain but T-wave inversion asks about his risks of progressing onto cardiac problems. Which investigation would aid in stratifying his risk?


A 68-year-old man who was admitted with troponin negative chest pain but T-wave inversion asks about his risks of progressing onto cardiac problems. Which investigation would aid in stratifying his risk?

  1. Chest X-ray
  2. ECG.
  3. Echocardiogram.
  4. Exercise tolerance test (ETT).
  5. Diagnostic coronary angiogram.
  6. 24-hour tape.
  7. Cardiac perfusion scan.
  8. 24-hour blood pressure monitor.

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d. An ETT is the next logical step in risk stratification of this patient. He has ECG changes, a history of chest pain but negative troponin. Any changes on ETT will help to identify risk to this patient of developing cardiovascular disease or symptoms. Depending on the findings, it may be necessary to proceed onto a coronary angiogram.

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