Which of the following relationships is correct?
belongs to book: EMQs and MCQs for Medical Finals|Jonathan Bath & Rebecca Morgan & Mehool Patel|| Chapter number:5| Question number:18
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belongs to book: EMQs and MCQs for Medical Finals|Jonathan Bath & Rebecca Morgan & Mehool Patel|| Chapter number:5| Question number:18
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a. Femoral hernias are more common in women. The small bowel herniates through the femoral canal underneath the inguinal ligament, medial to the femoral artery. (Use ‘NAVEL’ to remember from lateral to medial in the femoral canal – Nerve, Artery, Vein, Empty space, Lymphatics.) The neck of femoral hernias is narrow and therefore strangulation ensues. Indirect hernias pass through both the deep and superficial inguinal rings, ventral hernias, also known as incisional hernias, are most commonly seen in those patients with particular risk factors including obesity, old age, wound infection postoperatively and violent coughing. Direct hernias do not protrude into the scrotal sac although inguinal hernias cannot be classified adequately until surgery is performed.
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