
Which of the following facts about carcinoma of the cervix are INCORRECT?


Which of the following facts about carcinoma of the cervix are INCORRECT?

  1. 90% are adenocarcinoma.
  2. Associated with human papilloma virus.
  3. Common presentation is intermenstrual vaginal bleeding.
  4. Cervical erosions may be seen on speculum examination.
  5. The disease may not present until the advanced stage.

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a. 90% of cervical cancers are squamous. Of the remaining 10% the majority are adenocarcinoma. It is a disease that is heavily screened for but symptoms are all too often ignored by those affected. There is a national screening programme in which all women aged 25 years and over (or younger in socially deprived areas) are invited to attend a 3 yearly screening program. There is currently a vaccine under trial for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) although, it is in the clinical trial stage at present. A common presentation is intermenstrual bleeding or post-coital bleeding which should always prompt an internal examination and speculum. Any patient that has an abnormal looking cervix should be referred to the local gynaecological service for further review and testing.

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