Which of the following associations is incorrect?
belongs to book: EMQs and MCQs for Medical Finals|Jonathan Bath & Rebecca Morgan & Mehool Patel|| Chapter number:3| Question number:10
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belongs to book: EMQs and MCQs for Medical Finals|Jonathan Bath & Rebecca Morgan & Mehool Patel|| Chapter number:3| Question number:10
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e. Hypercalcaemia may result in vague limb pains but not muscle cramps. A low calcium may account for twitching or tetany as will hyponatraemia or hypokalaemia. Cramps have been reported in cases of hyponatraemia. Central pontine myelinolysis usually results from a rapid correction of hyponatraemia, the neurological symptoms that develop are believed to be secondary to oedema of the cells in the pons. Hyperthyroidism is known to result in proximal limb myopathies, tremor, hyperreflexia and occasionally seizures as can hyponatraemia. A rare complication of hypoglycaemia is hemiparesis. It is occasionally seen in infants and children but is easily treatable with intravenous glucose which normally results in a complete recovery.
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