Optimal assessment of a breast lump in a 55-year-old lady is best described by which of the following?
belongs to book: EMQs and MCQs for Medical Finals|Jonathan Bath & Rebecca Morgan & Mehool Patel|| Chapter number:2| Question number:18
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d. Investigation of breast lumps involves triple assessment. The gold standard for this varies in accordance with the age of the patients.
All patients require:
• Clinical assessment.
• Imaging (either mammogram or ultrasound).
• Cytology/histology.
The imaging is dependent on the patient’s age. For patients under the age of 35 years old an ultrasound is the most appropriate form of imaging due to the ductal and dense nature of the breast tissue. After the age of 35 years, breast tissue becomes increasingly fatty which is better imaged with mammography. In patients with breast implants it may be necessary to consider CT scanning.
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