
In patients with tibial plateau fractures which of the following nerves is most likely to damaged as a result of the injury?


In patients with tibial plateau fractures which of the following nerves is most likely to damaged as a result of the injury?

  1. Common peroneal nerve.
  2. Tibial nerve.
  3. Sciatic nerve.
  4. Femoral nerve.
  5. Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh.

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a. The common peroneal nerve consists of branches of L4–S1. Its motor supply is to the anterior compartment of the calf including tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus. The sensory component supplies the 1st web space and the dorsum of the foot and front side of the leg. This nerve winds around the head of the tibia and in certain tibial plateau fractures its integrity may become compromised.

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