
If the following features of the atopic reaction were placed in their correct order which would come fourth?


If the following features of the atopic reaction were placed in their correct order which would come fourth?

  1. Antigen absorbed for the second time.
  2. Degranulation of mast cells.
  3. Inhalation of pollen.
  4. Mast cell binding by Fc component of IgE.
  5. Production of IgE.

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The answer is A. Atopy (anaphylactic, immediate or type 1 hypersensitivity) occurs when IgE binds to mast cells and causes degranulation; antigen is absorbed (C) and the immune response produces specific IgE (E) which binds by its Fc component to mast cells (D); subsequent exposure to the antigen (A) results in antigen trapping by the IgE Fab components on the mast cells with subsequent degranulation (B).

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