
A 176 lb male patient is intubated and receiving volume control A/C ventilation. His settings are as follows: 40% FiO2 at a rate of 12/min and a VT of 550 mL. A blood gas was drawn and bedside measurements displays the following results:


A 176 lb male patient is intubated and receiving volume control A/C ventilation. His settings are as follows: 40% FiO2 at a rate of 12/min and a VT of 550 mL. A blood gas was drawn and bedside measurements displays the following results:

Which of the following actions would be appropriate at this time?

  1. Place the patient on a 40% T-tube and monitor closely
  2. Switch the patient to SIMV at a rate of 5/minute
  3. Place the patient on 5 cm H2O CPAP and monitor closely
  4. Maintain the current ventilator settings and re-evaluate later

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