
Which of the following statement(s) describe the effects of aging on wound healing?


Which of the following statement(s) describe the effects of aging on wound healing?

  1. A finer, more cosmetic scar might be expected
  2. In vitro studies demonstrate decreased proliferative potential of fibroblasts and epithelial cells
  3. Skin sutures should be left in for a longer period of time
  4. Wound infection occurs more frequently in elderly patients due to diminished ability to fight infection

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a. A finer, more cosmetic scar might be expected

b. In vitro studies demonstrate decreased proliferative potential of fibroblasts and epithelial cells

c. Skin sutures should be left in for a longer period of time

There are important age-dependent aspects of wound healing. The elderly heal more slowly and with less scarring. There is a gradual attenuation of the inflammatory response with age, and decreased wound healing is one of the consequences. In vitro studies have documented an age-dependent decrease in proliferative potential of fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Clinically this will account for the formation of finer scars and improved cosmetic appearance in the elderly. Sutures should be left in place longer to allow for the slow regain of tensile strength in the aged. This can also be done without concern for formation of suture marks as slower epithelialization occurs along the sutures. There is no evidence to suggest that wound infections occur more commonly in elderly patients.

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