Which of the following are determinants of the host response to surgical stress?
belongs to book: ASIR SURGICAL MCQs BANK|Dr. Gharama Al-Shehri|1st edition| Chapter number:1| Question number:117
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belongs to book: ASIR SURGICAL MCQs BANK|Dr. Gharama Al-Shehri|1st edition| Chapter number:1| Question number:117
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a. Gender
b. Age
c. Nutritional status
d. Body composition
The pattern of physiologic changes elicited in response to surgical stress results from the specific interaction of an individual patient with a stressful stimulus. Several factors specific to the patient may determine the nature of the host response to stress. Body composition is a major determinant of the metabolic responses observed during surgical illness. Post-traumatic nitrogen excretion is directly related to the size of the body protein mass. A strong relationship between protein depletion and postoperative complications has been demonstrated in nonseptic, nonimmunocompromised patients undergoing elective major gastrointestinal surgery. Protein-depleted patients have significantly lower preoperative respiratory muscle strength and vital capacity, increased incidence of postoperative pneumonia, and longer postoperative hospital stay. Impaired wound healing and respiratory, hepatic, and muscle function in protein-depleted patients awaiting surgery has also been reported. Many of the changes in the metabolic responses to surgical illnesses that occur with aging can be attributed to alterations in body composition and to long-standing patterns of physical activity. Fat mass tends to increase with age and muscle mass tends to decrease. Loss of strength that accompanies immobility, starvation and acute surgical illness may have marked functional consequences. Furthermore, the prevalence of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases increase with age. Thus, the delivery of oxygen to tissues may be impaired in the elderly. Finally, observed differences in metabolic responses of men and women generally reflect differences in body composition. Lean body mass is lower in women than in men; and this difference is thought to account for the net loss of nitrogen after major elective abdominal surgery generally being lower in women than in men.
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