Which of the following interfere with normal collagen formation or cross-linking?
belongs to book: ASIR SURGICAL MCQs BANK|Dr. Gharama Al-Shehri|1st edition| Chapter number:1| Question number:76
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belongs to book: ASIR SURGICAL MCQs BANK|Dr. Gharama Al-Shehri|1st edition| Chapter number:1| Question number:76
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A. Beta-aminopropionitrile.
B. Iron chelators.
C. Vitamin C depletion
D. Proline analogs (e.g., cis-hydroxyproline).
E. D-Penicillamine.
DISCUSSION: Intramolecular and intermolecular cross-links are crucial for collagen structural stability. Formation of cross-links can be inhibited by two pharmacologic agents: beta-aminopropionitrile inhibits the enzyme lysyl oxidase, and Dpenicillamine binds to collagen substrate directly to prevent collagen cross-link formation. Iron is a cofactor for prolyl hydroxylase, which is important for collagen synthesis. In high enough concentration, proline analogs prevent collagen formation with minimal effects on noncollagenase protein synthesis.
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