
In 1993 Burkina Faso had Gross reproductive rate of 3.5 while United Kingdom was only 0 .86 that means if 1993 Fertility levels were to continue, which one of the following options will be correct


In 1993 Burkina Faso had Gross reproductive rate of 3.5 while United Kingdom was only 0 .86 that means if 1993 Fertility levels were to continue, which one of the following options will be correct.

  1. The Net Reproductive Rate of Burkina Faso would definitely be more than 3.5
  2. In United Kingdom, a woman would produce more than one daughter on average during her life time
  3. In Burkina Faso, a woman would produce 3.5 daughters on average through her life time
  4. The Net Reproductive Rate of UK will be more than on
  5. The Net Reproductive Rate of Burkina Faso would be equal to Gross Reproductive Rate of the country

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c) In Burkina Faso, a woman would produce 3.5 daughters on average through her life time

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