
Represent the expression z3 -2z2 + 3 – 5i as a row vector of coefficients, and store this in a variable compoly. Use the roots function to solve z3 -2z2 + 3 – 5i = 0. Also, find the value of compoly when z = 2 using polyval


Represent the expression z3 -2z2 + 3 – 5i as a row vector of coefficients, and store this in a variable compoly. Use the roots function to solve z3 -2z2 + 3 – 5i = 0. Also, find the value of compoly when z = 2 using polyval. 

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>> compoly = [1 -2 3-5i];

>> croots = roots(compoly)

croots =

 2.3010 + 1.9216i

 -0.3010 - 1.9216i

>> val = polyval(compoly,2)

val =

 3.0000 - 5.0000i

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