
Write a GUI that displays an image in which all of the elements are the same color. Put 3 sliders in that allow the user to specify the amount of red, green, and blue in the image. Use the RGB method


Write a GUI that displays an image in which all of the elements are the same color. Put 3 sliders in that allow the user to specify the amount of red, green, and blue in the image. Use the RGB method.

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function ColorGUI

f = figure('Visible', 'off','Position',...

 [360, 500, 400,400]);

% Minimum and maximum values for sliders

minval = 0;

maxval = 255;

% Create the slider objects

rslhan = uicontrol('Style','slider','Units',...

 'Normalized','Position',[.1,.4,.25,.05], ...

 'Min', minval, 'Max', maxval,'SliderStep', [1 1], 

'Callback', @callbackfn);

gslhan = uicontrol('Style','slider','Units',...

 'Normalized','Position',[.4,.4,.25,.05], ...

 'Min', minval, 'Max', maxval,'SliderStep', [1 1], 

'Callback', @callbackfn);

bslhan = uicontrol('Style','slider','Units',...

 'Normalized','Position',[.7,.4,.25,.05], ...

 'Min', minval, 'Max', maxval,'SliderStep', [1 1], 

'Callback', @callbackfn);

% Text boxes to show slider values

hredtext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor', 

'white', ...

 'Units','Normalized','Position', [.2,.3,.075,.025],... 

 'Visible', 'off');

hgreentext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor', 

'white', ...

 'Units','Normalized','Position', [.525,.3,.075,.025],...

 'Visible', 'off');

hbluetext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor', 

'white', ...

 'Units','Normalized','Position', [.825,.3,.075,.025],...

 'Visible', 'off');

% Create axes handle for plot

axhan = axes('Units', 'Normalized','Position', 




% Call back function displays the current slider values & 

% shows color

 function callbackfn(source,eventdata) 

 rnum=get(rslhan, 'Value');

 gnum = get(gslhan, 'Value');

 bnum = get(bslhan, 'Value');




 mat = zeros(2,2,3);

 mat(:,:,1) = rnum;

 mat(:,:,2) = gnum;

 mat(:,:,3) = bnum;

 mat = uint8(mat);




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