
Write a GUI function that will create a rectangle object. The GUI has a slider on top that ranges from 2 to 10


 The value of the slider determines the width of the rectangle. You will need to create axes for the rectangle. In the callback function, use cla to clear the children from the current axes so that a thinner rectangle can be viewed. 

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function guirectangle

f = figure('Visible', 'off','Position', [360, 500, 400,400]);

minval = 2;

maxval = 10;

slhan = uicontrol('Style','slider','Position',

[140,280,100,50], ...

 'Min', minval, 'Max', maxval,'Value',minval,'Callback', 


hmintext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor', 

'white', ...

 'Position', [90, 310, 40,15], 'String', num2str(minval));

hmaxtext = uicontrol('Style','text', 'BackgroundColor', 


 'Position', [250, 310, 40,15], 'String', num2str(maxval));

hsttext = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor', 'white',...

 'Position', [170,340,40,15],'Visible','off');

axhan = axes('Units', 'Pixels','Position', [100,50,200,200]);

set(f,'Name','Rectangle GUI')





 function callbackfn(source,eventdata)

 num=get(slhan, 'Value');


 cla % deletes all children of current axes

 rh = rectangle('Position',[5,5,5,10]);

 axis([0 30 0 30])




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