
Write a function that creates a simple calculator with a GUI. The GUI should have two editable text boxes in which the user enters numbers. There should be four pushbuttons to show the four operations (+, -, *, /)


Write a function that creates a simple calculator with a GUI. The GUI should have two editable text boxes in which the user enters numbers. There should be four pushbuttons to show the four operations (+, -, *, /). When one of the four pushbuttons is pressed the type of operation should be shown in a static text box between the two editable text boxes and the result of the operation should be displayed in a static text box. If the user tries to divide by zero display an error message in a static text box. 

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function guiCalculator

% Format of call: guiCalculator

f = figure('Visible','off','color','white',...

 'Position',[360 500 300 300]);

hop = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor','White',...

 'Position',[120 150 40 40]);

hequals = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor', 'White',...

 'Position',[200 150 40 40],'String','=','Visible','Off');

hresult = uicontrol('Style','text','BackgroundColor','White',...

 'Position',[240 150 40 40],'Visible','Off');

hfirst = uicontrol('Style','Edit','Position',[80 170 40 40]);

hsecond = uicontrol('Style','Edit','Position',[160 170 40 40]);

hadd = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Position',[45 50 50 50],...

 'String', '+','CallBack',@callbackfn);

hsub = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Position',[100 50 50 50],...

 'String', '-','CallBack',@callbackfn);

hmul = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Position',[155 50 50 50],...

 'String', '*','CallBack',@callbackfn);

hdiv = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Position',[210 50 50 50],...

 'String', '/','CallBack',@callbackfn);

hzero= uicontrol('Style','text','Position',[60 115 150 25],...


 'Cannot Divide by Zero','Visible','off');

set([hop hequals hresult hfirst hsecond hadd hsub hmul hdiv],...



 function callbackfn(source,eventdata)

 firstnum = str2num(get(hfirst,'String'));

 secondnum = str2num(get(hsecond,'String'));



 switch source

 case hadd

 result = firstnum+secondnum;



 case hsub

 result = firstnum-secondnum;



 case hmul

 result = firstnum*secondnum;



 case hdiv

 if(secondnum == 0)



 result = firstnum/secondnum;








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