
Write a menu-driven program to investigate the constant π. Model it after the program that explores the constant e. Pi (π) is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter


Write a menu-driven program to investigate the constant π. Model it after the program that explores the constant e. Pi (π) is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Many mathematicians have found ways to approximate π. For example, Machin’s formula is:

Leibniz found that π can be approximated by:

This is called a sum of a series. There are six terms shown in this 

series. The first term is 4, the second term is –4/3, the third term is 

4/5, and so forth. For example, the menu-driven program might have 

the following options:

 Print the result from Machin’s formula.

 Print the approximation using Leibniz’ formula, allowing the user to 

specify how many terms to use.

 Print the approximation using Leibniz’ formula, looping until a “good”

approximation is found.

 Exit the program.

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% This script explores pi 

% Call a function to display a menu and get a choice

choice = pioption;

% Choice 4 is to exit the program

while choice ~= 4

 switch choice

 case 1

 % Print result from Machin's formula


 case 2

 % Approximate pi using Leibniz,

 % allowing user to specify # of terms


 case 3

 % Approximate pi using Leibniz,

 % until a "good" approximation is found



 % Display menu again and get user's choice

 choice = pioption;



function choice = pioption

% Print the menu of options and error-check

% until the user pushes one of the buttons

% Format of call: pioption or pioption()

% Returns integer of user's choice, 1-4

choice = menu('Choose a pi option', 'Machin', ...

 'Leibniz w/ n', 'Leibniz good', 'Exit Program');

% If the user closes the menu box rather than 

% pushing one of the buttons, choice will be 0

while choice == 0

 disp('Error - please choose one of the options.')

 choice = menu('Choose a pi option', 'Machin', ...

 'Leibniz w/ n', 'Leibniz good', 'Exit Program');




function pimachin

% Approximates pi using Machin's formula and prints it

% Format of call: pimachin or pimachin()

% Does not return any values

machinform = 4 * atan(1/5) - atan(1/239);

fprintf('Using the MATLAB constant, pi = %.6f\n', pi)

fprintf('Using Machin''s formula, pi = %.6f\n',4*machinform)



function pileibnizn

% Approximates and prints pi using Leibniz' formula

% Prompt user for number of terms n

% Format of call: pileibnizn or pileibnizn()

% Does not return any values

fprintf('Approximate pi using Leibiz'' formula\n')

% Call a subfunction to prompt user for n

n = askforn;

approxpi = 0;

denom = -1;

termsign = -1;

for i = 1:n

 denom = denom + 2;

 termsign = -termsign;

 approxpi = approxpi + termsign * (4/denom);


fprintf('An approximation of pi with n = %d is %.2f\n', ...

 n, approxpi)


function outn = askforn

% This function prompts the user for n

% It error-checks to make sure n is a positive integer

% Format of call: askforn or askforn()

% Returns positive integer n

inputnum = input('Enter a positive integer for n: ');

num2 = int32(inputnum);

while num2 ~= inputnum | num2 < 0

 inputnum = input('Invalid! Enter a positive integer: ');

 num2 = int32(inputnum);


outn = inputnum;


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