Write a menu-driven program to convert a time in seconds to other units (minutes, hours, and so on). The main script will loop to continue until the user chooses to exit
belongs to book: MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving|Stormy Attaway|Fourth Edition| Chapter number:6| Question number:27.6
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% Menu-driven program to convert a time from seconds
% to other units specified by the user
% Generate a random time in seconds
rantime = randi([1 10000]);
% Call a function to display a menu and get a choice
choice = timeoption;
% Choice 3 is to exit the program
while choice ~= 3
switch choice
case 1
fprintf('%d seconds is %.1f minutes\n',...
rantime, secsToMins(rantime));
case 2
fprintf('%d seconds is %.2f hours\n',...
rantime, secsToHours(rantime));
% Generate a random time in seconds
rantime = randi([1 10000]);
% Display menu again and get user's choice
choice = timeoption;
function choice = timeoption
% Print the menu of options and error-check
% until the user pushes one of the buttons
% Format of call: timeoption or timeoption()
% Returns the integer value of the choice, 1-3
choice = menu('Choose a unit', 'Minutes', ...
'Hours', 'Exit');
% If the user closes the menu box rather than
% pushing one of the buttons, choice will be 0
while choice == 0
disp('Error - please choose one of the options.')
choice = menu('Choose a unit', 'Minutes', ...
'Hours', 'Exit');
function mins = secsToMins(seconds)
% Converts a time from seconds to minutes
% Format secsToMins(seconds)
% Returns the time in minutes
mins = seconds / 60;
function hours = secsToHours(seconds)
% Converts a time from seconds to hours
% Format secsToHours(seconds)
% Returns the time in hours
hours = seconds / 3600;
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