
Write a function that will receive as an input argument a number of kilometers (K). The function will convert the kilometers to miles and to U.S. nautical miles, and return both results. The conversions are: 1K = 0.621 miles and 1 US nautical mile = 1.852 K


Write a function that will receive as an input argument a number of kilometers (K). The function will convert the kilometers to miles and to U.S. nautical miles, and return both results. The conversions are: 1K = 0.621 miles and 1 US nautical mile = 1.852 K.

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function [miles, nautmiles] = kToMilesNaut(kms)

% Converts a distance in kilometers to miles and U.S. nautical miles

% Format kToMilesNaut(kilometers)

% Returns miles and then nautical miles

 miles = kms .* 0.621;

 nautmiles = kms ./ 1.852;


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