The speed of a sound wave is affected by the temperature of the air. At 0° C, the speed of a sound wave is 331 m/sec. The speed increases by approximately 0.6 m/sec for every degree (in Celsius) above 0; this is a reasonably accurate approximation for 0 – 50 degrees C. So, our equation for the speed in terms of a temperature C is:
speed = 331 + 0.6 * C
Write a script “soundtemp” that will prompt the user for a temperature in Celsius in the range from 0 to 50 inclusive, and will calculate and print the speed of sound at that temperature if the user enters a temperature in that range, or an error message if not. Here are some examples of using the script:
>> soundtemp
Enter a temp in the range 0 to 50: -5.7
Error in temperature
>> soundtemp
Enter a temp in the range 0 to 50: 10
For a temperature of 10.0, the speed is 337.0
>> help soundtemp
Calculates and prints the speed of sound given a
temperature entered by the user
% Calculates and prints the speed of sound given a
% temperature entered by the user
tempC = input('Enter a temp in the range 0 to 50: ');
if tempC < 0 || tempC > 50
disp('Error in temperature')
speed = 331 + 0.6 * tempC;
fprintf('For a temperature of %.1f, ', tempC)
fprintf('the speed is %.1f\n', speed)
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