
Many mathematical models in engineering use the exponential function. The general form of the exponential decay function is:


 Many mathematical models in engineering use the exponential function. The general form of the exponential decay function is:

where A is the initial value at t=0, and  is the time constant for the function. Write a script to study the effect of the time constant. To simplify the equation, set A equal to 1. Prompt the user for two different values for the time constant, and for beginning and ending values for the range of a t vector. Then, calculate two different y vectors using the above equation and the two time constants, and graph both exponential functions on the same graph within the range the user specified. Use a function to calculate y. Make one plot red. Be sure to label the graph and both axes. What happens to the decay rate as the time constant gets larger?

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A = 1;

tau1 = input('Enter a time constant: ');

tau2 = input('Enter another time constant: ');

tstart = input('Enter the beginning t: ');

tend = input('Enter the end of t: ');

t = linspace(tstart,tend);

y1 = expfn(A, t, tau1);

y2 = expfn(A, t, tau2);




title('Exp function')



function y = expfn(A,t,tau)

y = A * exp(-tau*t);


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