
How do I send an email with node mailer in node.js?


Simple way to send SMTP mail using Node.js

How do I send an email with node mailer in node.js?

In this exercise, you will learn how to send SMTP mail using Node.js. NodeJS is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for creating server-side and networking applications. It follows a single thread with an event loop that supports multiple concurrent connections.

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These are the step-by-step process to send SMTP mail -

STEP 1: Install the nodemailer package.

Open the command prompt, go to the directory of your project, and write the following command to install nodemailer.

npm install nodemailer

STEP 2: Include nodemailer and set your SMTP mail server credentials, recipient information and send the mail.

mailer = require('nodemailer');

smtpProtocol = mailer.createTransport({
    service: "Gmail",
    auth: {
        user: "sender@gmail.com",
        pass: "password"

var mailoption = {
    from: "sender@gmail.com",
    to: "receiver@gmail.com",
    subject: "Test Mail",
    html: 'Good Morning!'

smtpProtocol.sendMail(mailoption, function(err, response){
    if(err) {
    console.log('Message Sent' + response.message);

In the above example, smtpProtocol is a mail configuration object and mailer.createTransport() is a transport service that includes mail service, username and password.

The mailoption is another configuration object that contains other details -

  • from: Sender email address
  • to: Receiver email address
  • subject: Subject of the mail
  • html: Message body

Finally, the sendMail() function is responsible for sending mail. It contains two parameters- mailoptions object that we had set earlier and a callback function. The callback function will be called when mail is sent to notify the user whether the mail was successfully submitted or if an error was reported.

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