
What finding on hemoglobin electrophoresis is consistent with beta thalassemia trait?


A 1 9-year-old female patien t of Greek heritage presen ts for evaluation of anemia. She is 7 mon ths pregnan t. Complete blood count (CBC) shows leukocyte count of S , LJOO/ ,uL. hemoglobin 8.8 g/dl with MCV 62 .7 FL. and platelet count 251 ,000/ ,ul. The peripheral smear is shown below.

What finding on hemoglobin electrophoresis is consistent with beta thalassemia trait?

  1. HbA-80%, HbA2 20%
  2. HbA-80%, HbF-10%, HbA2-10%
  3. HbA2-85%, HbF-1 5%
  4. HbA-95%, HbA2-5%

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D. HbA2 is increased in beta thalassemia trait, with values· ranging from 3.5% to 7% (mean, 5%). HbF is increased in approximately 50% of patients, but the values observed are in the range of 1% to 3%.

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