
What would support a diagnosis of beta thalassemia trait rather than simple iron deficiency?


A 1 9-year-old female patien t of Greek heritage presen ts for evaluation of anemia. She is 7 mon ths pregnan t. Complete blood count (CBC) shows leukocyte count of S , LJOO/ ,uL. hemoglobin 8.8 g/dl with MCV 62 .7 FL. and platelet count 251 ,000/ ,ul. The peripheral smear is shown below.

What would support a diagnosis of beta thalassemia trait rather than simple iron deficiency?

  1. Elevated RBC count
  2. Elevated mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
  3. Elevated red cell distribution width (RDW)
  4. Decreased RBC count

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A. A consistent finding in carriers ofbeta thalassemia is microcytic anemia with an elevated RBC count. The blood smear shows microcytic hypochromic red cells and target cells. Iron-deficiency anemia is associated with an increased RDW and decreased RBC counts (Am l Public Health. 1988 November;78(1 1 ): 1476- 1477).

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