
What coinfection would be important in the clinical management of this patient?


A 22 -year-old Female who immigrated From Gabon , Africa, 3 years ago presented to the hospital with sudden pain in her righ t eye. She also Felt that something was movi ng in her sclera. She denied Fever. chil ls, night sweats, weigh t loss . rash, or swelling. Laboratory evaluation showed a leukocyte count of 9. 1 00/,LLL with 22% eosinoph ils, hemoglobin 1 3 .0 g/dl, and platelet 328,000/fil. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What coinfection would be important in the clinical management of this patient?

  1. Strongyloides
  2. Malaria
  3. Onchocerciasis
  4. Leishmaniasis

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C. Coinfection with onchocerciasis should be considered, since treatment with diethyl-carmazine may elicit serious inflammatory responses in the eye and skin. This patient was treated with albendazole.

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