
What is the pathophysiologic defect in DBA?


A 9-mon th-old male patien t is referred by his pediatrician due to an abnormal blood count. Leu kocyte count is 7 , 300/f..Ll. hemoglobin is 7_/..j g/dl with MCV 1 09 fl. reticu-locytes is 1 . 0%, and platelet count is 58 1 .000/ f..Ll. The physical examination reveals no abnormal fi ndi ngs . The peripheral blood smear shows mild macrocytosis but is other-wise unremarkable. The i mage below shows the bone marrow aspirate specimen.

What is the pathophysiologic defect in DBA?

  1. Defective telomerase enzyme
  2. Defective ribosome synthesis
  3. Mutation in colony stimulating factor gene
  4. Sensitivity to apoptosis due to defective surface receptor proteins

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B. DBA is caused by failure of hematopoiesis due to ineffective ribosomal proteins. Multi-ple genes have been implicated in DBA, including RPS 19 in 25% of patients. In one study of219 patients, 129 distinct mutations were found. Haploinsufficiency for ribosomal protein genes may cause activa-tion of p53 in erythroid progenitor cells in DBA (ISO Hum Mutat. 201 0;3 1 (12):1269). (Blood. 201 1;11 7:2567-2576).

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