A LJ 3-year-old female patient is referred for evaluation of leukocytosis which has been present for the last 3 years. Complete blood shows leukocyte count of 1 7 .000. hemoglobin 1 LJ.3 g/dl. and platelet count 390.000/JLL. Physical exam shows no lymph- adenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly. Other than a long history of tobacco abuse. the patien t has no significant medical problems. The peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What flow cytometry results would be consistent with a polyclonal B-cell population?
- Positivity for CD3 and FMC7
- Positivity for CD19 and FMC7, both kappa and lambda light chains expressed
- Positivity for CD3 and CD19, both kappa and lambda light chains expressed
- Positivity for CDS and CD19, no expression of kappa or lambda light chains
B. Both CD19 and FMC7 are B-cell markers. CD3 is a T-cell marker, and CDS may be found on both B and T cells. In a polyclonal lymphocyte population, both kappa and lambda light chains would be expressed.
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