A 2 2 -year-old male patien t presents with recu rrent epistaxis and a history of pro-longed bleeding after m i nor cuts. At age LJ, he had a splenectomy due to presumed immune th rombocytopenia. He is referred to hematology for evaluation of thrombo-cytopenia. His platelet count is LJ7 .000/ JLL. Hemoglobin and leukocyte coun ts are normal. A peripheral blood smear is shown below.

What clinical finding is a contraindication to the use of antifibrinolytic agents?
- History of ischemic stroke
- Concurrent use of beta blockers
- Hepatic dysfunction
- Hematuria
- Platelet refractoriness
D. Owing to the risk of clots causing genitourinary tract obstruction, the use of antifibrino-lytic agents in patients with hematuria is not recommended.
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